Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Realtors-Learn how to increase sales and meet growing demand with Renovation Loan Programs

Read this article about what young buyers want. Go Green Lending conducts workshops designed for R.E. Agents showing how to set themselves apart with renovation loans incorporating the positive message of a healthy energy efficient home. Turn any "As is" house into an ideal home. to register now.

NAHB: Home Builders Building Homes that Young Buyers Want, Says NAHB

Monday, January 7, 2013

Training Day

Time to dust off the bike and ride. Training begins for Tri's. Belmont Shore, LB, CA.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Shadow Inventory-Dogs on the Market

Read this link on the shadow inventory report. There continues to be a steady stream of short sales, foreclosed, and bank owned properties entering the market. Most of these homes will be in need of cosmetic home improvements to meet buyer expectations. Go Green Lending specializes in renovation purchase loans to turn "As Is" houses into Ideal Energy Efficient Homes.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Realtors Must Attend- Free Workshop

How to Talk About Green Homes | FREE Workshop - Oct 24, 2012: Green Building Professionals article

Free lunch and the best information on how energy efficient homes sell for more. Receive FREE tools to set you apart with this growing demand for home buyers. Go Green Lending will be attending to answer how financing these upgrades is made easy.

Turn key homes?

Everyone wants a turn key home to buy. Are you getting beat out with multiple offers? Are you an FHA buyer? The solution is a 203k rehab loan. Purchase a home and receive extra funds to fix up the way you want it. Go Green Lending specialized in turning as is houses into turn key homes with our Hybrid Loan Program. You get a loan to purchase, make your cosmetic improvements and energy efficient upgrades. Visit our website to learn more.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

NAHB: Remodeling Market Index Climbs Five Points, Returns to 2005 Levels

Read this article about home remodeling demand increasing.  Most home owners and home buyers will need a 203k rehab loan due to limited equity.  Go Green Lending specializes in 203k's and EEM's.

NAHB: Remodeling Market Index Climbs Five Points, Returns to 2005 Levels