Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Savvy Homeowners’ Introduction to Energy Upgrades

February 26, 2011 3-5 PM at the Keller Williams Los Feliz Office

Liz Brown of Keller Williams Los Feliz is hosting a seminar/workshop for Realtors and Home Buyers on energy upgrades.  Other presenters are Jeff Bricmont of GoGreen Lending, Natalie Friedberg of Eastside Energy Alliance, Judy Rachel of Eco Home Network and Scott Nyborg of Nyborg Sustainable Construction.
Seating is limited. Please RSVP to Liz @ 818-321-7200.
Are your energy bills too high?
Is it hard to get all the rooms in your house the same temperature?
Do you worry about the air quality in your home?
Are you thinking of replacing your heating/cooling system?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Long Beach Lawn-to-Garden Program Rebates Up To $2,500

The Long Beach Water Department will rebate $2.50 per square foot of lawn removed from front yards and parkways and replaced with California friendly landscaping, up to 1,000 square feet to qualified customers. Read more:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Real Estate is ALL About Jobs

The Treasury Department will issue a report recommending changes to the structure of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. NAR President Ron Phipps takes to the blog to tell how NAR will reach out to lawmakers and emphasize just how vital housing is to families, jobs, and our nation. “For every additional 1,000 home sales, about 500 jobs are added to the economy,” Phipps writes. “We need to change the dialog ... We hope that Congress and the White House get the message: real estate is all about jobs.” Read More

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

LA County Utility Rebates Now Available

Energy Upgrade CaliforniaTM helps Los Angeles County homeowners make home upgrades to reduce energy use, conserve resources and create more comfortable and efficient homes. Participating homeowners may be eligible for up to $4,500 in rebates and incentives. LA County's goal for the Energy Upgrade California Program is to improve the energy efficiency of 30,000 houses in the County by the end of 2012. Read more:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

GoGreen Lending Realtor Webinar