Thursday, September 1, 2011

Direct-Gain Passive Solar

At GoGreen Lending we offer Energy Efficiency Mortgages, EEM’s and 203ks financing for home purchases and refinancing. Another added value is the experience and understanding of sustainable strategies for your home. Many believe that going green is expensive, however; once you understand what a going green or better put, sustainable strategy is or can be, you begin to realize it is not expensive as most think and basically is more about product selection. A great example is the purchase of “Dual Pane Windows” or “Low E” windows. Here is a great article explaining how solar heat gain is used to capture heat in a home for the cooler evenings. Keep this is mind when ordering your new windows especially those on the south side of your home.

By Alex Wilson of BuildingGreen, Inc.
Direct-gain passive solar systems rely on south-facing windows to bring solar energy directly into a house. Sunlight is absorbed by materials in the house (the floor, walls, furniture, etc.), which warm up, store some of that heat, and re-radiate it back into the room, warming the space. Read More

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