Tuesday, November 1, 2011

1776 APPLIED TO 2011

Benjamin Franklin really was not thinking about our utility bills in 2011 when he coined the phrase, "A Penny saved is a penny earned."  We have heard that phrase so many time we overlook the basic concept it offers: cost effective. If you do not waste a penny on unnecessary or trivial expenses then you don't have to exert the effort to generate a penny and the taxes needed to keep the whole penny.

An Energy Efficient Mortgage requires the improvements made in the family home cost less than the energy saved or to apply Franklin's concept - cost effective. The improvements must save the family money over the life of the improvement-- or why bother. So the formula becomes: I < Es (Improvement costs less than Energy saved).

Making 'cost efficient' improvements to a home saves fuel energy and makes the house more comfortable. But it also saves the human energy required to keep paying the rising utility bills and the taxes needed to keep the earning.

Cost effective: a powerful little idea. Thanks Mr. Franklin

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