Tuesday, July 19, 2011

THE BRITISH ARE COMING - To Insulate America

Since 80+% of British residences have had some level of energy retrofit British companies offering energy efficiency improvements have decided that America is worth a re-visit. According to an article in the NY Times British companies such are Mark Group have established offices in various cities in the US such as Philadelphia. Given that Congress is still debating the proof of climate change (supported by partisan politics and significant lobbyist funds) British firms want to take advantage of the hit-and-miss US energy policies and grab as much of the $5 trillion (that's 't' as in too bad America) business opportunity as they can. Mark Group is already insulating homes in the Philadelphia area with plans for rapid expansion. Liberty Hall may be the Brits next target. Heck, with $5 Trillion they could buy Philadelphia and reduce our national debt.

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